Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another little visitor

This young fellow was waiting for me when I arrived at the allotment the other day, he didnt hang around, not as friendly as the Robin.

Friday, May 16, 2008

friendly Visitor

While down the allotment I was joined by a friendly robin. I think because I was digging up the weeds he wanted to get to the lovely worms. He did not seem to be bothered about me being near him, at one point he was standing right night to my foot just waiting for a worm.Here are a few photo's I managed to get.


Monday, May 12, 2008

We have 2 Battery Chickens

On 10th May we collected two battery chickens, we have named them Charlie and Lola, as they are Arthur's chickens we thought we would name them after one of his favouirite cantoons. They are the same type as lily, our other chicken so its a real shock to see them against Lily.



This is Lola, she spent most of her first day in her new home inside. She finally came out on Monday morning.
originally uploaded by lozza1.

This is Charlie, she spent most of her first day just sitting on the grass. I think she must have been sitting down for atleast 5 hours and did not move.
originally uploaded by lozza1.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Early visit to the allotment

As the weather has finally warmed up we thought we would visit the allotment early in the morning so we don't end up digging when its really hot. While we was there I weeded the potatoes, I actually thought the area was just full of weeds but Steve pointed out to me some where not weeds07052008.jpg

Here is a photo of the garlic ( nearest) and the onions ( in the distance) As you can see they are growing very well


This is the new fence for the Raspberries and Strawberries. Decided after weeding the strawberry bed to put them with the Raspberries. No idea if this is the right thing to do but I will just wait and see.
