Steve put it all on top of the car and took it back to the house and put it up.
Here's a quick photo
After building the run we went to the allotment in the evening to give it a good water.
We have a few Vegetables in our back garden but decided we wanted to grow more Veg so we decided to get an allotment. We got the plot on Green Hill allotment in High Wycombe. We are very new to growing own Veg. This is help us track our process with our new allotment
Hey there! Just found out about allotments and blogger's search came up with your site! I have fam in the UK, but am from Hawai'i myself. Love the blog and living vicariously through you! Keep it coming! Cheers!
How do the chickens like their new home? Do they eat slugs on your allotment?
Wow, those chooks will be very happy in there excellant find !!
Chickens are very happy in the run. I think they wonder why they can't escape any more but atleast they are safe and no longer scaring the neighbours
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